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I'm Nervous About My Thyroid Nodule Biopsy: What Can I Expect? Feb 1st, 2025

We’ve scheduled you for a thyroid nodule biopsy, and you have some concerns about the upcoming procedure. That’s perfectly normal — this is new territory for many of our patients. To put your mind at ease, board-certified endocrinologist Dr. Sean P. Nikravan and our team are using this month’s blog...

How Obesity Affects Testosterone Levels Jan 8th, 2025

The United States, and the rest of the world, has a weight problem. Its side effects cast a very wide net and include your metabolic health. To put some numbers to this problem, a new study predicts that 260 million Americans will be overweight or have obesity by 2050. While...

7 Benefits of Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation Dec 11th, 2024

The word “surgery” is rarely met with enthusiasm, and for good reason — it’s no small undertaking. While surgery is still an effective and necessary tool in healthcare, new technologies are allowing doctors to offer far less invasive options, which is the case with thyroid radiofrequency ablation (RFA). As a...

6 Tips for Eating Healthy Over the Holidays Nov 1st, 2024

November ushers in the holiday season, that time of year when people gather with friends and family to eat, drink, and be merry. If you’re trying to mind your weight and your health, the eating portion of holiday festivities can be problematic as you encounter tables where yummy foods and...

How GLP-1 Drugs Can Help You Fight Obesity and Reclaim Your Health Oct 16th, 2024

You’re not thrilled with the extra weight you’re carrying and the effects that these excess pounds are having on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Like millions of others, you’ve embarked on different weight loss efforts, but you keep coming up short.  Studies have shown that 80% of people who...

The Future of Weight Loss: How GLP-1 Agonist Drugs Are Changing the Game Sep 11th, 2024

Long ago, having too little to eat and being underweight was one of the biggest problems that humans faced — and many still do in underdeveloped countries. For people living in developed countries such as the United States, the opposite is true — people are more in danger of being overweight...

What We Want You to Know About Thyroid Eye Disease Aug 9th, 2024

Your eyes are itchy or painful, you’re seeing double, and your eyes even seem to be growing larger and popping out of your head. While this may sound cartoonish, these side effects are very real if you have thyroid eye disease (TED). As a leading expert in all things thyroid-related,...

6 Strategies for Living With Type 1 Diabetes Jul 24th, 2024

Each year in the United States, 1.2 million people are diagnosed with diabetes — mostly type 2 diabetes. Mixed in there in smaller numbers are those diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which shares some similarities with its more common type 2 cousin, with a few key differences. If you or...

4 Potential Causes of Low Testosterone Jun 19th, 2024

People take a lot of things for granted when it comes to their health, such as the fact that hormones are working quietly behind the scenes to regulate everything from your sexual health to your metabolism. And this state of hormonal balance is incredibly important for your overall health and...

Cholesterol: The Good and the Bad May 6th, 2024

Cholesterol has been singled out as one of the primary culprits behind cardiovascular disease, and for good reason. Having high cholesterol — which applies to 86 million American adults age 20 and older — places you at higher risk for serious heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke. As...

Excellent Treatment Options for Thyroid Nodules Apr 1st, 2024

It might surprise you to learn that, by age 60, about half of people will have a thyroid nodule. The growths are benign in 90% of these cases, and most don’t cause symptoms. If you’re reading this, however, you may have thyroid nodules that are causing symptoms and you’re exploring...

New Weight Loss Medications Are Providing Hope for Millions Mar 7th, 2024

America has a weight problem, and it's having a devastating effect on the nation’s collective health. Nearly one in three Americans is overweight, and more than two out of five have obesity. From heart disease and diabetes to low testosterone and sleep apnea, carrying excess pounds can wreak havoc on...

What We Want You to Know About Pituitary Disorders Feb 8th, 2024

When something is referred to as “master” anything, you know that it plays an important role. Well, a tiny gland in your brain called your pituitary gland has this honor: Doctors call it the “master gland” because it oversees the function of all of the other hormone-producing glands in your...

Why More Younger Men Have Low T Jan 4th, 2024

After you exit puberty, typically between the ages of 16 and 18, your testosterone levels are probably at their peak, and they usually maintain this high level through your 20s. Once you hit your 30s, however, testosterone production can slowly decrease, by about 1% a year.  As a result, issues...

Subtle, and Not-So-Subtle, Signs of Hypothyroidism Dec 14th, 2023

The first thing to understand about hypothyroidism — a condition in which your body produces too few thyroid hormones — is that it’s fairly common. Still, despite the fact that nearly 5% of Americans age 12 or older have hypothyroidism, many don’t know the condition exists because side effects are...

6 Serious Diabetes Complications Nov 5th, 2023

November is National Diabetes Month in the United States, so Dr. Sean P. Nikravan and our team are addressing this important health topic in this month's blog post. For the 37.3 million Americans — more than 11% of the population — who are living with diabetes, the threat of complications...

How Common Are Thyroid Nodules (and How Can I Tell If I Might Have One)? Oct 1st, 2023

We’re going to kick this off by getting straight to the question the title poses about whether thyroid nodules are common — yes, they are. The American Thyroid Association reports that about 50% of people have a thyroid nodule by age 60. Given this prevalence, it makes sense to understand...

Why Managing Lipids (Cholesterol) Is So Important for Your Health Sep 1st, 2023

Hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia — these are all lipid imbalances grouped under what’s commonly referred to as high cholesterol. For the 86 million Americans who qualify as having high cholesterol, managing these lipids is critical for avoiding serious cardiovascular disease. Lipids play no small role in your hormone health, which is...

What Many People Don't Know About Prediabetes Aug 2nd, 2023

The glucose levels in your blood are high, but you’ve dodged a bullet and you don’t have diabetes. Before you sigh with relief, however, understand that if you don’t take action, it's only a matter of time before that bullet hits home and you cross over into diabetes, which is...

Should You Have Thyroid RFA on Nodules Before They Become Compressive? Jul 5th, 2023

Early intervention and preventive care — these two concepts form a solid foundation of great health, and we take them very seriously here at our practice. As specialists in endocrinology, including the thyroid gland, Dr. Sean P. Nikravan understands the many ways in which thyroid disease can affect your health....

5 Types of Thyroid Disease We Want You to Know About Jun 1st, 2023

While we certainly don’t want to add to your worries, there are a lot of health issues people should be more aware of. When you consider that an estimated 20 million people in the United States have a thyroid disorder, yet up to 60% are unaware of the issue, there's...

3 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone May 1st, 2023

It’s often not until something is missing that you understand the large influence it had, which can certainly be said of testosterone. This reproductive hormone plays a vital role in a man’s health and wellness and, when levels dip below normal, you can feel the effects in many different ways....

Why Thyroid RFA Is Better Than Surgery Apr 12th, 2023

Thyroid nodules are very common and may affect up to 50% of people, but most are unaware of the growth. Of those thyroid nodules that are identified, about 90% are clinically insignificant benign lesions. That leaves a small number of problematic thyroid nodules — those that are large enough to...

5 Best Practices for Managing Diabetes Mar 7th, 2023

When you receive a diabetes diagnosis, it’s just the start of a journey that will require you to pay closer attention to your health. More than 11% of people in the United States are on this same journey, and many lead happy, healthy lives despite this chronic condition that can seriously threaten...

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) as a Solution for Thyroid Nodules Feb 14th, 2023

You’ve joined the large number of people who have thyroid nodules — half of people over age 60 develop the growths. Unfortunately, your thyroid nodule has become problematic, whether in terms of comfort or thyroid function, and you need to take action. One great approach for problematic thyroid nodules is...

6 Frequently Asked Questions About Your Thyroid Jan 11th, 2023

Your thyroid and the role your thyroid hormones play in your body aren’t taught in depth at school, nor does the thyroid come up in conversation much. As a result, you likely don’t know much about this small gland and you have questions. Board-certified endocrinologist Dr. Sean P. Nikravan values...

What to Expect From a Thyroid Nodule Biopsy Dec 8th, 2022

Thyroid nodules are far from uncommon — by the time people reach age 60, about half will have a thyroid nodule — and most of these people are unaware of its presence. If circumstances have led us to discover a thyroid nodule in your neck, our next step is to evaluate the...

What Is the Connection Between Diabetes and the Thyroid? Nov 6th, 2022

There are more than 50 hormones in the human body, and they act as chemical messengers that manage a wide number of functions, from regulating hunger to governing reproduction.  When you have a hormone disorder, it affects very specific areas of your health. But there is potential for crossover, which...

Understanding Turner Syndrome Oct 2nd, 2022

You learn that your daughter has Turner syndrome, and the news seems to come out of nowhere. This condition — which affects about one in every 2,500 female babies born each year around the world — isn’t one that’s inherited; rather, it’s a random genetic disorder. To help with your abrupt initiation...

Do You Have Any of These Risk Factors for Prediabetes? Sep 1st, 2022

About 96 million American adults — more than one in three — have prediabetes. Unfortunately, 80% of them are unaware of this very serious condition. This lack of awareness puts millions of people at risk for developing full-blown Type 2 diabetes, which, in most cases, is a lifelong diagnosis. Recognizing...

The Many Benefits of Concierge Medicine Aug 2nd, 2022

Did you know that it requires an average of 24 days for a new patient to be able to schedule an appointment with a physician in the United States? And, when you do get in the door, your appointment lasts only 15 minutes or so. At our practice, Dr. Sean P. Nikravan wants to...

What Can Happen If a Thyroid Nodule Is Left Untreated? Jul 3rd, 2022

Let’s start this blog with an important point — thyroid nodules are incredibly common, and about half of people in the United States develop at least one by the time they reach age 60. While most nodules don’t present any danger, it’s important to have them checked out, especially if you’ve developed...

Is Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation a Good Alternative to Surgery? Jun 1st, 2022

You likely never paid much attention to your thyroid gland until something went wrong and you needed to find the best treatment. While some thyroid issues — such as nodules, goiter, and cancer — often required surgery, we now have a minimally invasive tool in our arsenal: radiofrequency ablation (RFA)....

The Dangers of Hypertension May 4th, 2022

Almost half of adults in the United States have hypertension, which places them at great risk for developing some very serious cardiovascular issues. In fact, hypertension is often referred to as a silent killer, which gives you some idea about just how serious these complications can be. To illustrate the...

I Need to Better Manage My Weight: How Can You Help? Apr 3rd, 2022

If you do an internet search for the term “weight loss,” a whopping 1.86 billion results pop up in under a second. Unfortunately, most of these results are long on promises and short on results, adding another hurdle to your weight loss journey. At our practice, Dr. Sean Nikravan and our team understand the...

Living With Diabetes Mar 3rd, 2022

You’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, and you want to do everything you can to prevent the disease from overshadowing your life and your health. You’re not alone. Approximately one in 10 people in the United States has some form of diabetes, leaving them vulnerable to serious complications that range from...

Signs That You May Have a Testosterone Deficiency Feb 1st, 2022

For both men and women, the effects that their reproductive hormones have on their overall health and wellness can be surprising. In fact, it’s usually only when these hormones are in decline that you appreciate their influence. Such is typically the case with hypogonadism, or low testosterone, which affects between...

Thyroid Nodules: When to Worry Jan 10th, 2022

About half of people in the United States develop a thyroid nodule (or several) by the time they reach 60 years of age, but many are unaware of the issue because the growths don’t lead to symptoms. More encouraging is the fact that more than 90% of thyroid nodules are...

What Is Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation? Nov 9th, 2021

Thyroid growths don’t always require intervention. However, when they do, it often means an open surgery with an incision large enough to expose the entire located gland at the base of your neck.  While surgery offers highly effective solutions, it’s still surgery, which comes with pain, scarring, and lengthy recovery...

Looks Can Be Deceiving Feb 25th, 2019

Have you ever wondered how come your local grocery store almost always has all the fruits and vegetables in stock regardless of the season! Thanks to ethylene oxide, a flammable colorless gas with a sweet odor used primarily to produce other chemicals, including antifreeze. In smaller amounts, ethylene oxide is used as...

The Era Of On-line Medical Uncensored Information Feb 23rd, 2019

We are fortunate enough to live in an era of medical online information, but is it really helpful? How do you verify the information is valid or written by an expert in the field? Do you trust or follow everything you read? Do you find contradicting information during your searches?...