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Am I a Good Candidate for the GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications?

The weight problem in the United States is significant — 74% of adults are overweight, including 43% who have obesity. And the future isn’t looking all that great, either — experts predict that, by 2030, nearly half of adults will have obesity.

As an endocrinologist and internal medicine specialist who understands the widespread impact that excess weight can have on your health, Dr. Sean P. Nikravan is fighting back against this problem with weight management help that includes GLP-1 medications. 

It’s not often that a resource comes along that can change the course of someone’s health, but these weight-loss drugs certainly fit the bill. They’re helping people to shed up to 10%, 15%, and even 20% of their overall body weight.

If your weight is worrisome and you want to explore whether GLP-1 medications are right for you, here’s what you should know.

The effects that weight can have on your health

Carrying extra pounds can cast a wide net over your physical and mental health. To give you an idea, here are just a few of the more common, and serious, health issues that are linked to being overweight and obese:

If you’re overweight, you’re at far greater risk for developing these conditions than someone of healthy weight.

How GLP-1 medications work to help you shed pounds

There are two primary mechanisms of action that lead to weight loss when you take GLP-1 medications:

Slower stomach emptying

When you take these medications, your stomach slows its digestion process and doesn’t empty as quickly, leaving you feeling full for longer. This also means that your body doesn’t release as much glucose into your bloodstream.

Feeling more satisfied

GLP-1 medications work on your brain, too, and cause you to feel less hunger and more satisfied, a state called satiety. This means that you have reduced hunger levels and cravings.

These medications also encourage your pancreas to release more insulin, which helps keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Click here to watch a helpful video Dr. Nikravan created about how GLP-1 medications work.

Good candidates for GLP-1 medications

It’s difficult to know with any certainty whether you’re a good candidate for GLP-1 weight loss medications until Dr. Nikravan evaluates your health. However, there are a few guidelines:

Please note that BMI numbers are guidelines; Dr. Nikravan may prescribe these medications for people with a BMI between 25 and 30 if there’s a health factor in play. Again, it’s best if we sit down with you to go over your health and run some labs to see whether GLP-1 weight loss medications are right for you.

To get that ball rolling, please contact Sean P. Nikravan, MD, in Newport Beach, California, today, to set up your appointment.

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