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What We Want You to Know About Thyroid Eye Disease

What We Want You to Know About Thyroid Eye Disease

When you have a thyroid issue like Graves’ disease, the effects can be widespread and even impact your eyes. Called thyroid eye disease, here’s why your eyes are in the line of fire and how we can help.
Aug 9th, 2024

6 Strategies for Living With Type 1 Diabetes

You hear a lot about type 2 diabetes, but what about its predecessor — type 1 diabetes? If you’re among the 2 million Americans with type 1 diabetes, we offer some best practices for managing this autoimmune disorder here.
Jul 24th, 2024

4 Potential Causes of Low Testosterone

Whether you’re reading this because you’ve been diagnosed with low testosterone or you want to prevent the issue, we list some of the common culprits behind this very common problem and explain how we can address it.
Jun 19th, 2024
Cholesterol: The Good and the Bad

Cholesterol: The Good and the Bad

Cholesterol has a very bad reputation, despite the fact that every cell in your body relies on this important lipid. As with most things in life, moderation is key when it comes to managing cholesterol.
May 6th, 2024
Excellent Treatment Options for Thyroid Nodules

Excellent Treatment Options for Thyroid Nodules

Thyroid nodules are surprisingly common, and many people are unaware of their existence. When they do make themselves known, the good news is that there are great treatment options.
Apr 1st, 2024
New Weight Loss Medications Are Providing Hope for Millions

New Weight Loss Medications Are Providing Hope for Millions

Medical professionals don’t often use marketing terms like “game-changing,” but new weight loss medications have certainly earned the title. Here’s how semaglutide and tirzepatide may hold the key to America’s weight problem
Mar 7th, 2024
What We Want You to Know About Pituitary Disorders

What We Want You to Know About Pituitary Disorders

The first thing to understand about your pituitary gland is that doctors refer to it as the “master gland” because it controls all of the other glands in your body. In other words, this gland is worth knowing a little bit about.
Feb 8th, 2024

Why More Younger Men Have Low T

Many people assume that low testosterone is a condition that’s associated with aging. While age plays an important role, it certainly doesn’t explain why testosterone levels in younger men are declining.
Jan 4th, 2024
Subtle, and Not-So-Subtle, Signs of Hypothyroidism

Subtle, and Not-So-Subtle, Signs of Hypothyroidism

You’re feeling tired despite the fact that you slept well. Or maybe your skin is drier than it ought to be and you can’t figure out why. These are potential signs of low levels of thyroid hormones — or hypothyroidism.
Dec 14th, 2023
6 Serious Diabetes Complications

6 Serious Diabetes Complications

The complications associated with diabetes are not only life-changing; they can be life-threatening. Here, we review some of these dangers to serve as reminders of the importance of properly managing your diabetes.
Nov 5th, 2023
What Many People Don't Know About Prediabetes

What Many People Don't Know About Prediabetes

The most important thing to understand about prediabetes is that it’s a wake-up call about your health. And this is one alarm you shouldn't snooze through if you want to avoid a serious and life-changing disease. Here’s what you should know.
Aug 2nd, 2023

5 Types of Thyroid Disease We Want You to Know About

About 20 million people in the United States have thyroid disease, but up to 60% aren’t aware of the problem. Here, we review five notable forms of thyroid disease to help you recognize when there’s an issue so you can get treatment promptly.
Jun 1st, 2023
3 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone

3 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone

You’re experiencing changes in your health and wellness, in seemingly unconnected areas, and you can’t figure out why. For men, this may stem from lower-than-normal levels of testosterone. Find out more here.
May 1st, 2023
Why Thyroid RFA Is Better Than Surgery

Why Thyroid RFA Is Better Than Surgery

When it comes to removing problematic thyroid nodules, a minimally invasive technique called radiofrequency ablation (RFA) rises head and shoulders above surgery. We review some of this procedure’s many benefits here.
Apr 12th, 2023
5 Best Practices for Managing Diabetes

5 Best Practices for Managing Diabetes

If you're one of the millions of people who’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you can expect a few changes in your future. The good news is that these changes can help you keep this chronic condition under control.
Mar 7th, 2023
6 Frequently Asked Questions About Your Thyroid

6 Frequently Asked Questions About Your Thyroid

The thyroid and its role in your health likely isn’t something you’ve learned much about over the course of your life. Whether you suspect you have thyroid disease or you’re simply curious, we answer a few common questions here.
Jan 11th, 2023
What to Expect From a Thyroid Nodule Biopsy

What to Expect From a Thyroid Nodule Biopsy

We’ve discovered a thyroid nodule in your neck, and our next step is to evaluate the growth — which we can do quickly and easily with a biopsy. Here’s a brief look at what you can expect during your thyroid nodule biopsy.
Dec 8th, 2022
What Is the Connection Between Diabetes and the Thyroid?

What Is the Connection Between Diabetes and the Thyroid?

While the first similarity between diabetes and thyroid disease is that they both involve hormone disorders, the connection runs even deeper — and it’s a two-way street. Here, we look at how diabetes and thyroid disease are linked.
Nov 6th, 2022
Understanding Turner Syndrome

Understanding Turner Syndrome

You want the best for your daughter, but you’ve learned that she has Turner syndrome and you want to know what to expect. Here’s a closer look at Turner syndrome and how early treatment can make all the difference.
Oct 2nd, 2022
The Many Benefits of Concierge Medicine

The Many Benefits of Concierge Medicine

Navigating your health care can be frustrating, and at times, you can feel as if your needs aren’t being met. Through our concierge medicine services, we provide you with the attention and care you deserve.
Aug 2nd, 2022
What Can Happen If a Thyroid Nodule Is Left Untreated?

What Can Happen If a Thyroid Nodule Is Left Untreated?

Thyroid nodules aren’t uncommon — half of people have one by the time they reach the age of 60. Most are benign, but some of these nodules can be problematic, which makes seeking treatment a very good idea.
Jul 3rd, 2022
The Dangers of Hypertension

The Dangers of Hypertension

Hypertension is commonly referred to as a silent killer, which gives you some idea of the very serious complications that stem from this condition. Here, we review the dangers of high blood pressure and how we can help.
May 4th, 2022
I Need to Better Manage My Weight: How Can You Help?

I Need to Better Manage My Weight: How Can You Help?

You’re tired of your weight overshadowing almost every aspect of your life, undermining your health, your confidence, and your ability to live life to its fullest. While there’s no magic bullet, there is help, and we offer it here.
Apr 3rd, 2022
Living With Diabetes

Living With Diabetes

You’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, and you’re wondering how it will affect your life. The answer largely depends upon how well you manage this chronic disease. Rest assured, we’re here to help.
Mar 3rd, 2022
Signs That You May Have a Testosterone Deficiency

Signs That You May Have a Testosterone Deficiency

Between 4 million and 5 million men in the United States are affected by hypogonadism — the medical term for low testosterone. If you suspect that you may be deficient in this reproductive hormone, here are some signs to watch out for.
Feb 1st, 2022
Thyroid Nodules: When to Worry

Thyroid Nodules: When to Worry

Your doctor found one or more nodules on your thyroid, and you’re understandably worried. While some thyroid nodules can be cause for concern, in most cases, they’re largely harmless.
Jan 10th, 2022

What Is Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation?

In the past, when a thyroid growth required treatment, surgery was usually your only option. But now, radiofrequency ablation offers minimally invasive solutions for a wide range of conditions, including those involving the thyroid.
Nov 9th, 2021
Fruits and Vegetables

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Have you ever wondered how come your local grocery store almost always has all the fruits and vegetables in stock regardless of the season! Thanks to ethylene oxide, a flammable colorless gas with a sweet odor used primarily to produce other chemicals,...
Feb 25th, 2019
The Era Of On-line Medical Uncensored Information

The Era Of On-line Medical Uncensored Information

We are fortunate enough to live in an era of medical online information, but is it really helpful? How do you verify the information is valid or written by an expert in the field? Do you trust or follow everything you read?
Feb 23rd, 2019